Thinking Activity on Mathew Arnold

1) Write about the one idea of Mathew Arnold which you find interesting and relevant in our time.
Ans... The idea of 'Disinterestedness' and 'Detachment 'are interesting and relevant in today, Mathew Arnold (1822-1888),the Victorian ,poet and critic, was 'the first modern critic, (1) and could be called 'the critic's critic, being a champion not only of great poetry, but of literary criticism itself.

           The first great principal of criticism enunciate by Arnold is that of disinterestdness or detachment. Disinterestedness on the part of the critic implies freedom form all prejudice, personal or historical.

Arnold Definition of poetry....

          " poetry is the criticism of life, governed by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty. "

          The second idea of general principles was the ' touchstone Method 'which introduced scientific obectivity of critical evaluation by providing comparison and analysis as the two primary tools for judging individual posts. But is not appropriate for nowards. Because it has complete opposite philosophy to deals.


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