Interaction with Dr. Javed Khan for ELT
Interaction with Dr. Javed Khan for ELT
Department Of English, MKBU has organized guest lectures for students. I have attain three days session of Dr. Javed Khan sir who come from S.P.UNIVERSITY VALLABHVIDYANAGAR . The whole session organized by Department of English MKBU.In this session we have at most Dr.Javed Khan for the sessions.
His topic of interaction first about the invention and creativity. Nowadays development of Ict and technologies is very necessary. In era of 21st century a knowledge era, there are challenges that of soft skills and creativity. Skill requirements, flexibility , and need for change is important factor of time.
ELT is a broad term. Education beyond school is called ' tertiary ' . At this level english courses are :
General English, Business English , language and communication.
ELT means teaching English as a second language or foreign language, is not that teaching language of native language.
ESL developed from needs and analysis. English for Specific purpose. EAP is English for academic purpose. EAP used as academic purposes like research , teaching and often surves as
Medium of instruction. English as international language surves as academic colonization.
Prof. J. H. Khan is very enthusiastic person, he says that he is not a teacher he is still a learner. He has great influence on English language, his teaching style is a remarkable because he has a fluency in language. He loves to talk with a youth because he is connected with the digitally with everyone. Our learning experience was awesome, we never forget whatever we learnt from him, not only academic things which is useful in exam but in our daily life also it is quite remarkable.
The two days are life best day because getting a very powerful knowledge by mr.khan and we thankfully to dr.dilip barad sir.
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